I stumbled upon this store while searching for a particular product and I'm glad I did!! So far, I'm loving it!! The online store's name is oo35mm. You can find different and unique types of East Asian goods from Beauty to Stationary and various fun types of gift options. It has got an affordable price range and is definitely a good place to order gifts for the loved ones. Since Valentines Day is approaching, I thought oo35mm would broaden the gift options.
。。。digs and enjoys unique people, things and places. 。。。finds herself drawn to vintage items, fashion, arts and travel. 。。。currently spends a great deal of time online growing her under eye circles (@_@) 。。。is very into East Asian countries(culture, politics, arts, fashion etc). 。。。is terrified of 1-airplanes 2-pressure cookers 3-elevators 4-snakes 5-doctors \(>o<)/ ギャーッ!
。。。does not watch TV(and I mean NO!!).
。。。is definitely not a cat person. (=^・ェ・^=)
。。。if social for a week, not social for two!!
(^^)Y☆Y(^^ ) Drop me a line whenever and on whatever (~_^)
About my blog: Here is where I share my finds, experiences and interests with all who are as interested in discovering and learning anything and everything as I am. I'm not here to teach or preach, I'm only here to share, have fun and make good friends. Let's get along and I hope you enjoy (~_^)v
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